Thursday, February 10, 2005


I think I am developing a French IUFM ulcer. This place could definitely make one suicidal. Or, more likely, homicidal. Yeah, I think homicidal is closer to the situation here.

Breathe. See, I need a vacation. I need a really, really, really long, nice, warm, sunshiney vacation. Do you suppose they have beaches in Berlin? ; )


At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deirdre here (AKA Justine). Oh my GOD, it is snowing like MAD outside!! I have ben in Strasbourg since Monday and yesterday was the only day that it didn't snow. I am almost sorry that I left Valence... but not quite.

I leave for Basel today... hopefully it won't be snowing there. Then again, Basel is in Switzerland, so it is probably snowing even more there.

I have managed to catch a little bit of a cold... which really sucks. Oh well.

I went to Germany yesterday! Dagmar and I crossed the border and went to Freiburg. It was cold. Anyway, that was my first time in Germany since I was eight. A lot has changed since then: there is only ONE Germany now and it is a major member of the European Union. They use Euros over there now AND there were no guards at the border. We were in a bus and it just went straight across. Of course, everyone over there still speaks German, but nobodys perfect...

Anyway, I haven't been taking many photos. In the ones that I take, everything is obscured by snow anyway.


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