Thursday, March 03, 2005

IUFM situation

I am totally tired of this place. I have half a mind to just send out a mass e-mail to everyone and tell them that, if they fill out their own sheets and figure out where they need to go, then they pass their habilitation definitive. Bloody fucking hell.

I keep thinking about Tony Soprano's line about what his mother did to this father--how she wore him down into a tiny little nub. I think he might have been talking about the Valence IUFM. I am so tempted to just get the heck out of dodge. I mean, what would happen if I just took off to Maryland some time next week? Or even this weekend. How cool would that be? I wouldn't even say goodbye to anyone--I would just clear out my room, leave the keys somewhere, and fly back to the states.

I'm obviously not in a very French mood today. Blah.


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there kiddo--tomorrow you might feel differently!

Besides, heading back to Maryland now (before Friday) is a bad, bad idea.


At 8:01 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

Good point there. I do think it is wise to be out of the country now. In fact, I really ought to stay out of the country long enough for you to get moved...


At 12:04 PM, Blogger STAG said...

Of course, you can always play the game.....the book "Yup the Organization" and any of the "Dilbert" books show you clearly how to play the game and win...though at the expense of the organization. That might be the point though.
The last thing any organization wants out of you is what they SAY they want out of you. Took me what...17 years in the Military to figure that one out.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

Well, I was only in the Military for two and a half years--obviously not long enough to learn that particular lesson.

I have been revolting, though, in my own little way (well, I'm pretty much always revolting, but that's a different problem altogether...). I have been handing out the e-mail address and phone numbers of the woman who is supposed to be in charge. I have been encouraging people to call her with their questions--preferably early in the morning.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

Well, I was only in the Military for two and a half years--obviously not long enough to learn that particular lesson.

I have been revolting, though, in my own little way (well, I'm pretty much always revolting, but that's a different problem altogether...). I have been handing out the e-mail address and phone numbers of the woman who is supposed to be in charge. I have been encouraging people to call her with their questions--preferably early in the morning.

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I was only in the Military for two and a half years--obviously not long enough to learn that particular lesson.

I have been revolting, though, in my own little way (well, I'm pretty much always revolting, but that's a different problem altogether...). I have been handing out the e-mail address and phone numbers of the woman who is supposed to be in charge. I have been encouraging people to call her with their questions--preferably early in the morning.

(Sorry--had to post anonymously--damn computer)

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

Well, I was only in the Military for two and a half years--obviously not long enough to learn that particular lesson.

I have been revolting, though, in my own little way (well, I'm pretty much always revolting, but that's a different problem altogether...). I have been handing out the e-mail address and phone numbers of the woman who is supposed to be in charge. I have been encouraging people to call her with their questions--preferably early in the morning.


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