I’m looking for input on this, so feel free to post anything in response.
Basically, I’m undecided about what I should do next semester (Fall 2006). By the end of June, I will have to take either two or three classes to finish my Masters degree. I had thought about taking a year off and going overseas to teach somewhere, then coming back here for a semester. If I did this, I could get three credits as a practicum, but I would still have to come back to Salisbury to take the last required class. I don’t think there is any way to get out of taking the class here (I don’t think I could do it as an independent study—but that is something that I need to talk to some profs about, I think).
The good parts of this plan are:
It would get me out of Salisbury!
I would actually be teaching. (I’ve been tutoring English for almost five years now. I’m ready to work with an actual class.)
I would probably be in a place where I could make friends. (Or at least I might have something in common with the people around me).
I’m tired of school. Kind of.
The bad parts of this plan are:
I would have to come back to Salisbury.
I would delay getting my degree by one year.
I would have to come back to Salisbury.
My favorite prof. will be taking a semester break when I comeback—if she hasn’t found a job in another university by then!
On the other hand, I may be able to take the last class (a methods class) at another university and have the credit transferred in. So I could conceivably, after a year of teaching, come back to the states, find a teaching job somewhere, take a methods class at a neighboring university, and then be done with the degree. But I would probably have to work as an adjunct, which would mean no rights, no benefits. (But then, when have I ever worked at a job in which I had both rights and benefits?) But then, even with a Masters, there is no guarantee that I would be able to find a non-adjunct job. But there is no guarantee that, in a year, the TESOL program at Salisbury would be willing to work with me to transfer a class in (so far the English department has been less than cooperative).
Here is what I’m thinking:
I will stay here one more semester if I can teach a class—either as a graduate assistant or… well, whatever. Both of the TESOL profs here have suggested to me that I teach the ESL composition class in the Fall. I can’t see that the English department would really go for that, though.
I will not stay here if I have to put in another semester at the writing center. I don’t mind working with the students, but this place is driving me nuts.
I just feel so isolated here—it is really, really hard to convince myself to stay for another half a year. I have no friends here. Granted, I’m not exactly the friendliest person in the world, but how can I, after a year, not have made any friends? Salisbury is stifling and the people here are cold. This has not been a positive experience at all. I, ever since high school, was looking forward to being in graduate school. I had been told that that was where I would really blossom. Ha! I think I’ve been buried under too much shit here to flower properly.
So, comments? Suggestions? Thoughts?