More hiking
First of all, I'd like to mention that I had written quite a bit about living in Ecuador that I wanted to post here, but for some reason, I can no longer transfer text from MS Word to Blogger. Well, I can, but then blogger only recognizes it as hypertext and will not publish it. I have a feeling that the problem is on the MS Word end of things. I have the newer version (which I hate, hate, hate), and since then, I have been unable to transfer text. So... you will not be able to read my insights on the language and life of Quito. Shame, really, because while most of what I wrote was the standard crap, there was actually some decent stuff there. Oh well.
Anyway, I went on another hike yesterday. This one was excellent! It was downhill, so not too intense--and, most importantly, no super steep cliffs to pick my way down. Anyway, here are some pictures. My camera really isn't that great--it just doesn't capture the crispness of the landscape and the colors. Older camera, but at least I won't cry when someone steals it. Well, if there are pictures on the memory card, I might squeeze out a tear or two...

This is from my trip up the Teleferico a couple of weekends ago. Here you can see Quito...
A picture of me in the restaurant at the top of the Teleferico. Just in case you've forgotten what I look like...

This is Cotopaxi.

This is from yesterday's hike.

Also from yesterday's hike.
How could I forget what you look like? I just saw your doppleganger on the 4th. Oh, that was your sister! But, still, you are looking good in that snap. The landscape shots give just enough credibility to your story to make me wish that I was hiking, too.
...keep checking in from time to time, looking for an update...
Hope you're having a wonderful time. :)
Er, the word verification for this message is "satanati"!
Happy Birthday (ish)! :)
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