Oh boy
I just looked at my schedule and I realized that I'm getting my wisdom teeth out next week. Oh boy.
I must not cancel this appointment, I must not cancel this appointment, I must not chicken out and cancel this appointment...
Chronicling my adventures and travels abroad... and at home
The oral surgeon actually gave me two Xanax to take right before the surgery. He sould have given me enough to start taking them a week before the surgery...
You might want to find someone to drive you home afterward.
I still have to get that done. Good luck.
If you can, go for the general anesthesia. I had it, and I don't remember a thing from the actual operation - definitely the way to go! And the poster who said you'll want someone else to drive you is right - don't try to drive yourself.
Mom is going to be able to drive me home. I thought about skimping on the anesthesia to save some money, but then I though, Hell, it's my Birthday (sort of)--I'll treat myself!
Got a tetnus shot today. Not big news, but it's the best I can do.
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