Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Some updates

I suppose I should actually use this 'blog to post some updates on my life...

Spring semester is over--I earned some good grades. I am taking one class in June (a web-based class). I've also found summer employment. I am going to be working at a convenience store in Ocean City (the OC). I expect June will be pretty crazy between work and school.

I've decided to stay at SU for one last semester. I'm not going to work at the same place though. I did like most of the students I was working with, but the other people in in the office I worked... bleh, I really did not like them. So I'll find something else to do.

Hmmm, basically there is no news. Good thing, right?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Yeah, in case you didn't notice, I changed the video. Enjoy.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Army of Lovers

A little background info on the Army of Lovers music video which should be playing on the right-hand side of the screen (if you are using Mozilla. If you are using Internet Explorer, you are going to have to scroll down to watch the video).

I have no idea when this video came out. All I know is that one day, back when I was in high school, my little sister and I stumbled arcoss the second half of the strangest music video we had ever seen. It involved men in funny costumes dancing in a bathtub and one woman (?) with a flower, um, well, just watch the video. My sister and I just looked at each other and said, "Europe."

Anyway, I figured it was just a fluke and that I would never hear anything about this group again. I was wrong.

When I joined the Army Band, I was first stationed in Ft Huachuca. One of the very gay musicians (he brought his boyfriend to the concerts we played) there was a big Army of Lovers fan. At this point I had even forgotten the name of the group, so I was completely surprised when one day he was playing their cd and I heard "Crucified." Turns out they were a pretty big gay icon.

Anyway, I found this video. It makes me laugh every time I see it. I mean, how can you not laugh?

I also found some other videos of theirs on the internet. Basically the same stuff. But, imho (I've always wanted to type that!), "Crucified" is the best.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And now for something completely different...

This is probably like laughing at fart jokes, but the line "my lovely lady lumps" just cracks me up.

Is there something wrong with me?

Okay, at the great personal risk of making a fool of myself (or looking like a tool), I am going to jot down some of my thoughts in response to Anna's question:

Anyway, I come seeking further enlightenment:Why isn't the term "self-depreciating" instead of "self-deprecating"?

(I probably need to practice answering questions of this type anyway if I want to actually teach the damned language. But I promise I won't try to teach spelling!)

Okay, the first thing I did was look up self-depreciation. I double-checked the definition ("Disparagement or undervaluation of oneself and one's abilities"). I also noticed that it is a noun (duh) and that (I found this interesting and I'll get more into it later) there is no verb form.

Next, I went to deprecate (First definition:"to express disaproval of; deplore," Second definition: "to belittle; depreciate") and depreciate ("to lessen the price or value of").

Now, deprecate is a transitive verb, which means it takes a direct object (as in the sentence He deprecated his looks [N V DO]). Depreciate, on the other hand, can function as a transitive or intransitive verb (so it doesn't always need a direct object). Does this mean anything? Probably not. On the other hand, in my desk dictionary, there is no mention of this verb functioning as a transitive verb; I got this information off the internet. Is this a recent development? If so, it would fit into the theory I'm starting to develop.

Now, under depreciate was the usage note: "The first and fully accepted meaning of deprecate is 'to express disapproval of.' But the word is now used, almost to the exclusion of depreciate, in the sense 'to belittle or mildly disparage,' as in He deprecated his own contribution. In an earlier survey this newer sense was approved by a majority of the Usage Panel."

What does this mean? I don't really know, but here's my theory:

Deprecate started as a transitive verb, such as in the sentence He deprecated himself. From here, we turned this idea into a noun: self-depreciation. (Why didn't we use the verb depreciate? Because, not being a transitive verb (my guess), we couldn't form the sentence *He depreciated himself.)

'Course, I could be totally wrong on this one (and I probably am), but my guess as to the future:

1) People will create a verb from self-depreciation;
2) The first definition of deprecate will basically disappear in favor of the second definition;
3) Depreciate will... I honestly have no idea.

Ugh, that is probably all scrambled and jumbled. I really oought to go to the OED and check my theory. I'm probably way off base here. Feel free to enlighten me.

Dictionaries used:
The American Heritage College Dictionary (2000)

I am way too cool....

...but my coolness looks better through Mozilla...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Me and my Sis

So, here is a picture of me with the elusive sister-creature. I think it's been maybe 2 1/2 or 3 years since I'd seen her last.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Japan, Korea, and Little Politics

So, I was just talking to one of the Korean twins I've worked with this past semester. We were talking about Korean history and Japan.

At this point I'm not longer shocked at how little Asian history I know. I mean, it's not like we actually learn about non-European countries in the US public school system. And after working with two Chinese students from the Nanjing province... well, I can better understand the mixed feelings Asians might have towards the Japanese.

Anyway, my student told me that the word for Korea used to be spelled with a C instead of a K. Turns out the Japanese changed it because they didn't want Korea (Corea) to be listed before them (C comes before J in the alphabet).

Call me naive, but I am still amazed when I find politics in the most unlikely of places. (But perhaps this naitivity is not something I would wish to lose).

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dj the Barbarian

So, Bill (Stag) posted a comment on his 'blog about chain mail being flattering to everyone, male or female. That tweaked something in my brain and sent me scrambling though my box of Arizona pictures.


Okay, after having spent way too much time and effort in trying to upload my picture to blogger unsuccessfully (remember, it's the end of the semester for me), I've decided to give up. Sorry. I'm sure you all were holding your breath in anticipa...

...tion, but I'm sure you'll survive.

Maybe I'll post it later. Or not. You never can tell with me. I'm unpredictable that way.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Mature" Women

I am now a "mature" woman. This message was sent out on the SU listserv:

Mature Women’s Grant
Applications are now available in the Financial Aid Office, Holloway Hall Room 213, for the American Association of University Women-Eastern Shore Branch 2006 Mature Woman’s Grant. Eligible applicants include women, ages 25 and over, who are residents of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne or Talbot counties. Applications must be postmarked by Thursday, June 1.

Guess I'll be going grey next.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

An Interview

Rules: Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal. You will update your 'blog with the answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. Also, if you have five questions for me put them here and I'll get to them.

1) You've traveled all over the world. Of the places you've been, where is your favorite? Why?

I know it's a cliche, but I really, really liked Venice. There is just something magical about a city built on water. I also liked Avignon, in France, and Canterbury, in England.

2) How has your life changed since your surgery two years ago? What is easier? Harder? Would you do it again?

In a heartbeat. I haven't had any back pain--in fact, it is hard for me to even remember that my back was usually so sore at the end of the day that I was unable to lie down in my bed! I also think the surgery has made it easier for me to get in shape. I have to wear two sports bras to run... but I'm running!

The only thing I regret is not having been more adament about them taking more off. I still have problems finding swimsuits that fit.

But overall, I'm happy. And I highly, highly, highly recommend the surgery!! ; )

3) Why do you blog? What do you get out of it?

I started this 'blog before I went to France so my family and friends could keep up with my adventures. I've kept it up because I really like being connected. I'm not a big phone person and it can sometimes take me awhile to answer e-mails. But if I can read someone's 'blog, I can keep up with his or her life.

4) What's your favorite book? What about it touches you?

Oh shit, I always hate this question. I was a Lit. major, so I always feel pressured to write something intelligent and profound. Of course, I usually just sound like a complete blithering idiot.

At different points in my life, different books have affected me. WHen I was in third grade, I read _The Ordinary Princess_ and it really, really, really got me reading (not like I wasn't reading before, but it is one of the first books I remember reading). I remember _Bridge to Terebithia_ when I was in fifth grade. I remember Ray Bradbury in Middle School. In High School it was Steinbeck and Hesse. When I was in the Army it was Kafka, Heller, and Vonnegut (Yeah, I know--a little obvious. But I wasn't exactly dealing with much subtility then anyway). As an undergrad it was Faulkner and Morrison. Each author, at each point in my life, has answered a need that I have had. I can't really pin-point one author as having had the most influence on me, and I certainly can't name one book.

So, that's my cop-out answer. Sorry.

5) Tell me something silly one of your students did this semester. :-)

Hmmm... my students at SU haven't given me as many interesting stories as my UMBC students did. I'm working with Korean twins and they swap paper ideas. I can' tell them apart, but if one starts talking about a paper topic that I spoke to her sister about the day before, well, it gets a little weird.

I had a student from Sudan who wanted me to explain sexual harrassment. He had issues with it because he figured women acted too freely here anyway.

I mentioned to one Asian female student that I was on a diet. She looked at me and said, "Oh, but you're not fat. You're just a little, you know, overweight."

Last semester, I had one student bring in a Biology paper. In it, she talked about homogonizing a chicken. I asked her how she did this, and she said, "Oh, I put it in a blender."

So, yeah, it keeps me entertained.