My trip to the O.C.

By O.C. I mean Ocean City, Maryland, of course. I know it looks like it was dreary, but it was a very relaxing trip to the beach. My friend Shari decided to take last Friday off and drive to Salisbury to visit me. We decided to go down to the beach. It was windy and a little drizzly but not very cold. We meandered along the boardwalk, stopped in a store and found a stash of used books (we wound up going through the "young adult" books: "Oh! I remember reading this one! Did you ever read this? And so on.) We played some skee-ball and Shari learned why I am the self-proclaimed Skee-ball Champion (not because I am any good but because I have an uncanny ability to pick machines that dispense more tickets than they ought to.) Shari took her 27 tickets and I took my 92 tickets (told you) and we each passed them on to some kids (although I picked a Soccer Mom who assured me that her three blond Aryians were saving up for an angel). Shari and I had lemonade, walked out on a pier, took our shoes off to walk along the sand... all in all, a very relaxing day--something that I really needed. I hd though that I would be stressing about not doing any school work all day, but I managed to, well, not completely forget, but not care for the day.
Anyway, I brought my bike back from Baltimore today. I plan on doing some riding... after I get the thing in shape. Everything out here is flat. Should make for some good riding.
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