Thursday, February 15, 2007


I suck. I am the worst teacher in the world. Ugh. I'm not going to have any students in my next class, I just know it. And I still have to do my three hour conversation class tomorrow. Just know they're gonna hate that one too...



At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dunno where that's coming from, but I don't believe it.
Dr. Anna D. Fart, bum sniffer, prescribes soothing tea and a good night's rest.

Hope things smooth out. And I bet your problem would be having too many students next time, not too few. :)

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe it either! Check your email--you are famous (sort of)!

PS: Your mom will confirm that even those of us who have been doing this for a while are still trying to find our respective asses with both hands 1/2 the time...


At 3:19 PM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

After I posted this, I started talking to another teacher who offered this excellent insight: sometimes it's the students. So I started feeling better. Than, I got home and checked my email, and read the email one of the teachers I'm sharing a class with sent me. The students want me to correct their errors more. Bloody hell. So now I feel like crap again.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger STAG said...

sssI risk insulting my students every time I try to teach them. This is particularly nerve wracking when you consider they all have weapons!

Sometimes the classes that I feel were "bang on" turn out to be less than optimal when we discuss them with my assistants. On the other hand, there were times when I thought it was "da woist class evah" and one or two students are reveling in the fact that they "finally got it!".
I decided that I am too close to the action to grade myself. Now I occasionally finish up a class with the Ed Koch's famous statement "How'm I doin'?" And then I listen. You get a lot of info just by listening.

Like most guys I am not good at that. But honestly Red, don't even think you are capable of grading yourself. Every artist sees all their own flaws.

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, in this illustrious crowd, I don't think I have the qualifications to add much . . .

My aunt taught middle school math for 30+ years. There was a particular set of students she called "nubs." I think you can figure out what that means - basically, sometimes it is the students!

Oh, and from my teaching days . . . It IS HARD! You never know what might be the thing that will get through to a student, and you just have to keep on trying different ones until you hit on the right combination. That makes teaching mostly dumb luck. :-)

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

Well, thanks, but... you are all wrong. I was in the middle of my class today (on break) when I got a text that a student (students?) had complained about me. Turns out it wasn't even from the class that I thought went so bad--it was from a completely different group. They have asked for a different teacher. So if I'm having problems with more than one class...

Right now I just don't feel like I am cut out to be a teacher. I'm not particularily good at it. I'm too much of an introvert, I think too slowly, and I'm not really a people person. I care and I want to do a good job, but I don't think that is enough. I just don't think I have what it takes to be an effective teacher.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks. I'm sorry. *hugs*

At 2:17 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

So, here is what I've decided to do. I'm going to keep a calendar. For every day that I am miserable, I will make a black mark. For every day that I am not, I will make a blue mark. If the black marks significantly outnumber the blue marks by the time my mom comes for a visit, I will go back to the States with her.

Anyway, I want to thank you all for posting your support so quickly. It means so much to me that I have such good friends. I can't really express adequately how important you all are to me.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how many nights I've come home after teaching and felt like I just wasted the kids time...I was a horrible instructor cause I couldn't figure out how to explain something so they could understand. I also can't tell you how many times I've found out the kids complained to their parents about me, who in turn complained to the band director. You can't please don't worry so much if a few students aren't your biggest fan.
Trust me, I almost stopped teaching after my last year at Walkersville because a couple of the kids were HORRIBLE...but you can't let a couple of people determine what you do for the rest of your life.

My motto....fuck 'um! : ) If they don't appreciate what you're doing then they're not worth your time anyway.

lil sis

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

You know, all the comments and support have really helped, but it was the comment from my lil' sis that helped the most. I suppose I'm a little bit biased, but... are those children insane??! Any world in which people complain about my lil' sis's teaching is not a sane and rational world. I absolutely believe that my lil sis is an excellent teacher, so... there is obviously something wrong with the world. If there is something wrong with the world, maybe--just maybe--there is hope for me yet.

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Rob said...

OK, first attempt to post comment didn't work. Test #2.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Rob said...

It appears I have blundered into a way to post a comment. I hope your crises period has passed. I have always admired anyone who has the audacity (and cajones) to get up in front of a potentially hostile audience and try to teach anything under any circumstances. It terifies the crap out of me and I would starve if I had to do it for a living. Listen to the experts. You are doing all the right things and learning as you go. It must be amazingly intimidating to be working in your situation. Complete physic overload. But I know you are doing a great job so hang tough. I love you. Dad

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. What your dad said. I've done just enough teaching in front of a group to know that it's hard as hell. You're still learning, and that's okay - you'll figure it out. :-) You're smart and engaging. (I seem to recall you describing yourself as "f*ing brilliant" at one point in the past - remember that! You were right!) Teaching is a skill, and it develops with practice. Keep at it - don't give up. :-)

Hugs again,


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