Monday, April 16, 2007

Morning Tea Insights

So, I've just realized something:

It is not that I am always out of the country when people move, it is that people keep moving! If people (especially the people in my family) didn't move so often, it wouldn't be an issue! : )

BTW, Shari, when are you guys moving again? I've already bought my ticket to the States for this summer, but I haven't arranged my trip to the Midwest yet...

Oh, yeah, the ticket. Here is the basic info:

I leave Prague on July 13 and I arrive in NYC on July 14. I will probably stay there a couple of days, then I will go... somewhere (who knows). I leave the US from NYC on August 14 (then arrive back in Prague August 15). While I am in the States I plan on visiting Maryland, Illinois, and Missouri (the grand tour). I will post my tour dates as soon as I figure out when I am going to be where.

I also need to figure out where I want to go the first weekend of May. I have a Tuesday off (May 1), and I don't teach any classes on Monday, so I basically have a four day weekend (yea!). There are a lot of discount airlines in Europe--the main problem is that the only flights they offer out of Prague go straight to London. London is cool, but I've already been there... Taking a train is also an option, but I don't really want to travel for more than 12 hours (otherwise I figure why bother?).

Ugh.. I need to go back to France as an assistant (if I'm not too old), where I can make the same amount of money and only a fifth of the work... and have more time for travel.


At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, your're going back to Prague??
Did you get another contract, and if so, for how long?

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. We don't actually know when we're moving yet, but it will likely be after you are back in Prague. (We expect the new house to be ready in August or September.) In any event, you don't really need to be too worried - we are planning to hire movers. :-)

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you can always count on me moving just about every year. A friend of mine said Matt and I are like the circus...minus the elephants...

If I could I'd be out of the country everytime anyone moved as well. Not that anyone ever asks me since I'm about as much help as a small child...


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Ovonia Red said...

I've decided to return to Prague and teach again in September. I don't know yet if I will sign a contract until the end of December or the end of June--I will just have to wait and see how I feel.

Rowan, thanks for the warning. I just have to stay out of the country until you guys buy a house.

Shari, see above (minus the buying a house part). This time, I fully expect you guys to stay in the house. Once you get moved in, I will feel safe. ; )

Anyway, unfortunate side effect of teaching: massively swollen feet. Ugh. Sitting here right now with them up, but I need to get up again and finish cooking dinner.

At 7:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt and I just put a chunk of money down on the house yesterday...but it looks like you'll be safe. They still have to build it, so it probably won't be ready until September.

I think we're just going to force a few of Matt's friends to help us. Sometimes it's nice that he has a group of dopey guys that follow him around...


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