Is my sister still alive?
To answer my own question, I'm pretty sure that she is. I didn't even realize that New Hampshire was hit by severe flooding until the GPs (GrandParents) called to see if the young'un was okay. (In my defense, I've been very busy lately... though not too busy for the occasional 'blog). The LS (little sister) was living in New Hampshire last I spoke to her, though she was supposed to move to MD (duh on that one--you get no help from me if you don't know it) a few weeks ago. She is currently MIA, but I'm not too concerned. I figure the police will eventually call us if she's floating around in a morgue somewhere.
Anyway, I'm in a crappy mood today. I think I need to take a nap. Then go for a walk. Then take another nap. Then eat some caramel popcorn. Then go to bed. Goodnight.
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