Feeling stressed...
... and I don't have any really good reason to feel so stressed. I'm no more or less prepared than I usually am on a Sunday evening--I may even be just a little more prepped than I usually am. Still, I feel really stressed. And for some reason, I don't feel like teaching next week. Again, there is no good reason why. I just don't want to do it.
I just realized that I can probably teach one of the lessons I just prepped twice this week--once on Wednesday and once on Friday. Cool. I will need to make some adjustments, but I think it will work... I hope.
Anyway... I still have three full classes to prep and three classes that are mostly prepped but which I need to tweek a little. Ugh.
Well, I better get back to work.
Belated response to the "feeling stressed" vibe:
Hey, don't feel stressed. This oughtta make you feel better, at least. :)
I freely admit my increasing inclination towards Old Folkdom. (Actually, I suppose "Old Fartdom" applies, too.) ;)
When I went to buy a wireless adapter to use at home, I did indeed actually ask one sales clerk at Best Buy whether it was called "wee-fee" or "why-fy."
C'mon, "Fifi"/Wifi....
I'd seen it countless times in print...just couldn't remember how to actually pronounce it.
I actually have a similar problem. Wifi is pronounced differently in French. When I got back to the states after living in France, I couldn't remember how to pronounce Wifi... I still say wireless to avoid that little issue.
It is not even 11am today and I feel completely run down. I taught my two classes this morning and just felt completely off...
I don't really want to go to my Czech class today, but I'm going to miss it Thursday so I really need to go. Gotta learn at least a little bit of the language. I think I'm going to try and get a nap before the class starts, though. I didn't sleep well last night.
G'luck staying rested.
And keep up the language-learning.
Something like that. :)
...and the reason you have trouble with the Wifi thing is completely justified and intelligent!
Me? I just got used to inventing/assuming pronunciations for words I read as a kid...haven't completely kicked that bit of intellectual laziness. ;)
One thing about well-read people I've noticed (and others have noticed/admitted to as well) is that they tend to have a larger vocab (duh) but they don't always pronounce words correctly--a result of seeing the word but never hearing it. (For the record, I don't necessarily include myself in the well-read group. I just mispronounce sh*t because I like to invent my own pronunciations).
Speaking of pronunciations, I had to convince my students this morning that clothes and close are pronounced the same. (They were trying to pronounce the /th/ in clothes). I also tried to convince them that they couldn't use the verb to die in the passive voice (*He was died). They didn't quite believe me, so I told them to ask the other teacher (who speaks Czech).
Anyway, I was soo off on my classes this morning... just felt so out of it. I still have one more class to teach. Then tomorrow is my crazy day.
Mom, you may want to elaborate on that create interpretation of music reference. (IMHO, it still is a pretty funny story...)
Just feel like I've had all my blood drained from me.
Um, yeah. I totally pronounce the "th" in "clothes." It doesn't sound at all like "close" when I say it. (Good thing I'm not at work, because I'm sitting hear saying them out loud.) I say it the same way I say "cloths," only with a long O sound, of course.
I know exactly what you mean about assuming a pronunciation. I used to do that all the time, and I think I still do once in awhile. It's funny - sometimes I hear a word for the first time and don't even recognize it.
A little late now, but I hope you're feeling less stressed.;
Sorta like Shari, I'm sitting here thinking/mouthing/saying "clothes" and "close."
I think I say Close, as in "close the door," differently than Close, as in, "the door is close." I don't think I pronounce the "th" in clothes.
But then, I can't hear the difference when I'm slurring "s" sounds, either.
Heh. Gotta love the confidence in that Mozart...ish music story. Classic.:)
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