Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Prague Journal

April 2, 2007

I feel like I’ve been wiping my ass with paper towels for three months now. I can’t wait to go back to the States this summer and give my poor butt a break.

Duben, dvacet tře, 2007

Ahoj! Jmenuju se Justine. Jsem učitelka angličtiny… mam moc prace. Jsem z Ameriky, jsem Američanka. Mam kočka, ale neni tady. Moje kočka je z Ameriky taky. Rad čte každy den. Vařim každy den taky, ale nerada vařim. Nerada hraju volejbal… nikdy nehraju volejbal! Studuju česky…

Moje maminka se jmenuje Pat. Je profesorka. Je chtra a energecka. Muj tatinek se jmenuje Rob. Rad čte a posloucha hudbu Jazz. Mam mladša sestru. Moje sestra se Jmenuje Rowan. Je krasna. Rada čte a tancuje.

So, yeah, that was my attempt at Czech. Not too impressive, but… well, I’ve only been here for four months and I’ve been studying Czech for less than three months, so… oh well. I am beginning to feel like I will never learn to speak this language (well, not that I ever really thought I would. I guess I figured I’d change my view once I started learning some Czech… but no dice. I’m still convinced that a group of people got together and decided to invent the world’s hardest language).

Anyway, tonight I’m going to a friend’s birthday party. I don’t really want to go—it doesn’t start until 8:30, it is all the way across Prague, and I have to teach early tomorrow morning… and I feel drained still, but… I figure I should at least make an appearance.

I don’t know why I feel so drained. Today was a little better, but I basically have spent three and a half days on my rear end, doing nothing. I felt completely drained all last week (hard to teach when one is feeling drained). I’ve got a four day weekend coming up and I’m trying to figure out what to do and where to go… but I’m afraid I will still feel drained and I won’t have the energy to do anything. Ugh. My plan right now is just to go down to Cesky Krumlov and Cesky Budeovicka (about three hours south of Prague) and bum around for a couple of days.


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