Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ohrid, Macedonia

Made it to Ohrid after a totally grueling journey (yes, I figure grueling is totally spelled wrong, but I don't really care right now. As it is, my fingers are barely typing).

Wow... don't even know where to being about my trip here. I think that story will have to wait until I get back to the states. But I am here, and I have a room (to myself) and I will probably stay there three nights (recovery time). Naw, it wasn't all that bad. It is just that when I am about to get my period, everything becomes about five times more tiring and difficult, and spending two days traveling... well, that becomes like ten days traveling, I figure.

Now I need to arrange the next part of my journey.

Mom, can you try giving my cell a call? I just want to see if I can receive calls. I still have not gotten the blasted thing to work. I keep sending e-mails to the Czech O2, and they are just like "it's working" and I'm like "uh, no." So they are being less than helpful.

Hil, I tried to send you a text from my cell just to see if I could at least send texts. Did you receive anything?

Ok, I will keep in touch. Tomorrow is going to be a relax/recovery day. (Actually, this morning was kind of relax time too. I was in Skopje in a private room (long story) with a tv, so I watched part of Ocean's 12 (I think it was) in English with Arabic subtitles. Had lunch in an Irish pub because that was the only place I could find that had black tea (drank two cups... sooooooooo good).

I'll probably be back on the internet again tomorrow. This cafe has Skype, so I might get on and see if Mom has finally gotten her internet to work properly.


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH POOH!!!!! Blew my chance to receive a Czech text message! Drat!
No, sorry, mate--nothing my end.
I feel your pain--I landed in London with a spiffing cellphone I was assured would work great in the UK together with a SIM card for said and about £10 worth of time.
Except we never did get the bastard to work AT ALL. Best the SIM card support woman (who was very sweet and thorough) could figure was that the vendor had lied, and it wasn't unlocked.
Sorry that you're having to be distracted with this tedious annoyance!
Can't wait to see the pics in person--

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw your notice late in the day, and don't want to call when it's the middle of the night there. Bought a new router, but spent today getting Margaret's laptop/router/modem up & running--yes, she has a new computer!!!

I will get my new router working, perhaps this evening, and then will live on Skype tomorrow!!


At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have logged into Skype today, but we are without reliable Internet access until Thursday.

I'd just like to say - moving sucks! We're getting there, but man am I tired and sore.

Have a great rest of your trip!



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